Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vegetarian News Article & A Shout Out

Yet another news article discussing the negative environmental and health consequences of excessive meat consumption.

This article was posted by a friend of mine from college. The lovely Ms. M, mechanical engineer, aspiring architect and all around impressive person, keeps a blog detailing her quest towards making her life more sustainable by setting herself monthly goals. The title of the blog is Virescent - meaning "tending towards green."

I especially enjoy Ms. M's postings on thrifting, as I have long used thrift stores to pacify my consumerist tendencies. (Or maybe I'm just cheap.) It's amazing how often frugality and sustainability overlap. I would argue that in the rare cases where they do not overlap - like with factory farming - either a) there are excessive government subsidies distorting the true cost, and/or b) the costs of resource consumption/environmental damage are not being factored into the cost.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why the left coast is better. Reason #1

New Belgium Brewery

Not only does this employee-owned company make incredibly delicious beer and power their brewery with wind turbines, they also are the creators of
TEAM WONDERBIKE **dramatic music***!!!!

Beautiful quotes shamelessly ripped from TEAMWONDERBIKE.com:

Why I ride...

to be reminded of all the wonderful things about where i live
to help keep Earth cool (in terms of temperature and style)
'cause ExxonMobil already has enough money
to justify shaving my legs
-Jay Richardson

I love high velocity and moments of absolute zen. Floating over rock fields and sticking tight corners. Becoming one with my bike, when the ride is all there is.
-Adrian Matthew

I ride because my troubles can't catch me when I'm on two wheels.
-Jeremy Walker

i ride so i don't forget what it feels like to be young and inspired
-Tanya Victor

One time a mother goose flew after me while I rode bike down by the river in the springtime. Now that's fun! I've never been chased by a mother goose while driving a car.
-Garth Bontrager

To fight war, bad government, global warming, corporate greed and monster trucks.
-Bryan Simpson

When civilization falls, global warming peaks, fossil fuels are gone, and you say "why didn't I just ride my bike?", you will be too out of shape and get eaten by wolves. Ride now to avoid the wolves later.
-Phil Mackey

i ride because... bikes are the answer
-Brian Callahan