Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vegetarian News Article & A Shout Out

Yet another news article discussing the negative environmental and health consequences of excessive meat consumption.

This article was posted by a friend of mine from college. The lovely Ms. M, mechanical engineer, aspiring architect and all around impressive person, keeps a blog detailing her quest towards making her life more sustainable by setting herself monthly goals. The title of the blog is Virescent - meaning "tending towards green."

I especially enjoy Ms. M's postings on thrifting, as I have long used thrift stores to pacify my consumerist tendencies. (Or maybe I'm just cheap.) It's amazing how often frugality and sustainability overlap. I would argue that in the rare cases where they do not overlap - like with factory farming - either a) there are excessive government subsidies distorting the true cost, and/or b) the costs of resource consumption/environmental damage are not being factored into the cost.


White Collar Boy said...

Oh, you go girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

holla back! Did you go to the Van Jones thing the other week?