Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why the left coast is better. Reason #1

New Belgium Brewery

Not only does this employee-owned company make incredibly delicious beer and power their brewery with wind turbines, they also are the creators of
TEAM WONDERBIKE **dramatic music***!!!!

Beautiful quotes shamelessly ripped from

Why I ride...

to be reminded of all the wonderful things about where i live
to help keep Earth cool (in terms of temperature and style)
'cause ExxonMobil already has enough money
to justify shaving my legs
-Jay Richardson

I love high velocity and moments of absolute zen. Floating over rock fields and sticking tight corners. Becoming one with my bike, when the ride is all there is.
-Adrian Matthew

I ride because my troubles can't catch me when I'm on two wheels.
-Jeremy Walker

i ride so i don't forget what it feels like to be young and inspired
-Tanya Victor

One time a mother goose flew after me while I rode bike down by the river in the springtime. Now that's fun! I've never been chased by a mother goose while driving a car.
-Garth Bontrager

To fight war, bad government, global warming, corporate greed and monster trucks.
-Bryan Simpson

When civilization falls, global warming peaks, fossil fuels are gone, and you say "why didn't I just ride my bike?", you will be too out of shape and get eaten by wolves. Ride now to avoid the wolves later.
-Phil Mackey

i ride because... bikes are the answer
-Brian Callahan


J. Barrack Schofield said...

though i love me some fat tire, new belgium is in colorado... not quite left coast.

what's funny is that when i was in missourri visiting family, fat tire was listed as an import!

Jamie said...

I'm gonna go ahead and count western Colorado as left coast, at least in spirit. Plus, if you look at the places they went on their Tour de Fat, you will notice a left coast city majority.

Jamie said...

Although, check out this NY Times article about New Belgium greenwashing.